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!Thursday, May 13, 2010

This Is it. This is the last post for this blog assignment. Oh yeshh I can cut off one more assignment of my list. Muahaha. But then again, I really thought this assignment is really fun, compared to other assignments except Information Technology. hehe. That was kind of fun too. x)

Assignments for the first half of the semester might have ended, but mid semester exams are coming, followed by the second half of assignments for the semester. Aaahh.....great. Nothing could be more worse. Oh wait, there is. That is the second semester will start soon right after we finish our first semester. What a great life this is. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. I don't care! Now I feel so depressed by all the up-coming assignments and the mid-semester exam next week! Since when did I become such a miserable person?? I remember I used to be always cheerful and optimistic. I used to be the "happy-go-lucky" type of person. I used to take things easy!!!! How come?? Ugh. I know why anyway. Forget it.

To be honest, I've not started my revision. BUT, I've tried paying more attention in class lately. Not that it helps a lot, but at least I put a tinie-winie bit of effort. The weekend will be the time I'm going to work on my notes and books. I just can't concentrate on revision when I still have loads of assignments in hand. That's bad, I know. We'll always face this kind of situation in the future and I have got to learn how to handle them. There's 3 more days and it'll be the mid semester exam. All of them are theory except one for Information Technology which has a practical exam, which I think is cool. Mostly, I prefer practical exams more than theory exams. This is because I'm not good at studying. Studying in terms of reading notes and textbooks and doing my own notes. I have trouble reading a lot of words without falling asleep. Or to be presice, have trouble reading notes or textbooks without falling asleep. *BIG GRIN*

I am REALLY not good at theory exams, except theory exam for piano. Now, besides thinking and planning how to study for the mid semester exam, I'm also calculating the marks to pass if I don't do well in exams. I really hate exams. I know some say it is where your ability is tested. But, for example, if a student doesn't understand the certain subject or chapter but is good in memorising, then the ability tested was actually just the student's ability to memorise and nothing about understanding the subject learned. Well, an ability is also tested, so it kind of meets then reason for having exams.

I've just realised how many times I've used the word "exam". Okay, now I'm getting tired of the word "exam". Can we just forget about exams?? Here we go, talking about exams again. ==

This week's theme is "Your thoughts and preparation on the mid-semester exams".
Just to answer it in a simple way,
my thoughts on the mid-semester exams:
1) Horriying
2) Depressing
3) Feeling anxious
4) Worried
5) Wonder if I would end up handing in answer sheet with no answer
6)Hate it
7)Sounds bad
8)"Die" loh~

My preparations on the mid-semester exams:
1) TRY paying more attention in class
2) Adjust my mind to face the exams
3) Finding the button in my brain that says "study mode"
4) Start loving my lecture notes and reference book
5) Keep telling myself that I need to study
6) Remind myself that exams are coming
7) Finish all assignments that due before the exam so that I can concentrate on revision
8) Accept the fact that these days won't end so fast......or will never.

The End.



dance with me ;
- 4:39 PM

!Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh dear....I totally forgot that this blog assignment dues coming Thursday. I thought of doing it tomorrow night since I am free. Whew~ Good thing I remembered. I don't really like to rush with finishing the assignments. Because by then, all that is in your mind is just about wanting to finish the assignment on time, and nothing comes up other than that. It is as if your brain is not functioning well, you suddenly feel very tired and fed up, you used to have loads of creative ideas but now your mind is blank, you just want to get out of here and go eat, sleep, or watch tv.

I understand....I used to face these kind of problems back then in high school. Yes, because I don't like doing my homework. They are all boring paperwork and it makes me want to fall asleep. Okay okay, I know this is all excuses. But who hasn't once tried not to do their homework? Who hasn't tried not handing in their homework? Who hasn't brain wash the part of their mind that was supposed to keep track of school homework? Come on~ who doesn't dislike doing homework? ^^

Handed in an assignment today. It's the second assignment, I think. Third one to hand in will be on Thursday. Oh, and this blog assignment too. Finally, considered as almost finished my assignments, I can concentrate on finishing this blog and also start studying for mid-semester exams. Hooray.....exams. I hate exams. It makes me depressed. It makes me worry. It makes me force myself to study. It makes me turn myself into a person that I'm not familiar with, it makes me turn myself into a hardworking person. Gah! When did I start to be so hardworking??? Good thing. Bad thing. Sometimes it feels like it's not even me.

For now, I just have to make myself prepared for next week's exam. It just a week away. How terrifying. This is going to be crazy. The first ever exam in college. Great. I hope I won't screw up for that. Wonder how will I react when final exams come. Sh*t. I hope it's not going to be horrible. *faint*

Our lecturers tried to give us as much information about the exams, helping us to be prepared for it. But I wonder who has started doing revision?? haha. Maybe there is. Or maybe everyone is just staring at those lecture notes daydreaming. Well, that's what I think I would end up doing. hehe.

Mid-semester exams are not so formal. We can sit comfortably(or not so comfortably) in class and sit for our exam. At least that would somehow(I have no idea how) reduce the tension and anxiousness in all of us. Since it's the first exam we're sitting, we(or I) have no idea how it would be. But I'll TRY to try my best. haha.

Trying to persuade myself to get down to business with the revision and stuff. Argh. My mental side is just not cooperating. Neither is my physical side. I. JUST. CAN'T. SIT. STILL.
Does anyone have a solution to that...??? If something really keeps me stay put in a place for more than half an hour, it really is SOMETHING. Because, I get bored easily. My mind gets bored easily. So does my eyes. haha. Bad concentration, I know...I know....

Yikes, now I have to think of what to write for the next post. @@
God Bless Me and EVeryone.



dance with me ;
- 10:06 PM

!Saturday, May 8, 2010

According to what I've found from the online dictionary, the definition for SPORTS is

1)Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively
2)An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively
3)An active pastime; recreation

There are many kind of sports. So, I've been wondering, is dancing considered a sport?

Some people say dance is a form of art. I agree. Dance is art. But can dance be an art but at the same time be a sport? I was curious and went on the internet to look at articles and other people's opinion. Most of them agree that dancing is a sport. While it is said that sports is an activity that involves physical exertion and skill, I strongly agree that dancing REALLY needs A LOT of physical exertion. Not to mention the skills that are required in order to present a better form of art. Dancers are trained to be flexible, well prepared and coordinated as a dancer should be. Without skill, this sport would not be a sport. So, technically, dance IS a sport. (Yessh!!! haha) A dancer needs to go through a lot of training even if there is only a minute of chance to shine on the stage. It requires a lot of determination, effort, stamina and strength just like sportsman do. It can take years for just a dancer to be ready to take the stage.

Is dance competitive? H*ll yes it is!!!! (sorry for being so excited >.<) Though many people appreciate dance for the beauty of it, dance competitions are held every now and then everywhere! Even the International DanceSport Federation considers ballroom dancing competitive and is one of the most graceful sports. Besides, if cheerleading is considered as a sport, why can't dancing be considered one as well?

As a person that has passion for dance, I understand that dance is an art. Dance is something that also involves self-expression where it is not only about moving your hands and feet. It is about being a part of the music, making it a whole picture.

It is really something hard to explain and make people believe either ways. No one will be able to judge fairly because we all have different point of views and reaction. Lets just say that it is both art and sport. Fair and square. hehe.

I love dancing. And I love sports. Fine, talk about other kind of sport too. I do play badminton, I used to like jogging, I've tried bowling...(bowling is a sport, right?) and I would love to try tennis, badminton, squash and cycling!!! Oh, I don't know how to cycle. I know it's a shame not knowing how to cycle. 7 out of 10 people that I know, knows how to cycle a bike. But it's not my fault, ain't it?? I wanted a bicycle when I was small but someone just didn't agree to get me one. hmph.

Badminton is one of my favourite as I started playing it when I was young. Not a master of it but at least I can serve. I used to play badminton every weekend with my high school friends at FRIM(Forest Research Institute Malaysia) as we all live nearby. It's really near actually. Just opposite my high school! I've not been playing since last year after SPM. Miss those days..... *sigh*

I fell in love with tennis when I watched an Olympic tennis match on television 2 years ago. The strength they need to hit the ball across that court that seemed too big for a heavy racket and a heavy tennis ball, was impressive. Ah, I could imagine being a tennis player, enjoying the pleasure of running from one end of the court to another, sweating and panting away. Oh it just feels so good! Sports is FUN!! XD

Everybody should get involved in sports as it not only helps with burning fats and calories, but also helps release stress and tension. Sports makes people feel good and happy. Sports makes people come together. Sports makes people a better person(no idea). So people, get your butts off the chair and lets get sporty!

Just wanna share one of my favourite dance routine from a dance competition and reality show called So You Think You Can Dance:

Kathryn(3rd place) and Russell(champion) of season 6 So You Think You Can Dance dancing a hip hop routine choreographed by Tabitha & Napoleon
(video from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNCNqg7qh3Q)



dance with me ;
- 6:52 PM

!Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finally the day has come for the due date of our very first college assignment, College Study Skills --- Vocabulary Journal. What a relief! But then again, the truth is shoved right in my face, though one is down, another one will fill in the space. Assignments are never-ending. Great. @@

My head is aching and there is so many things that are running through my head. Assignments.....assignments.....assignments. I still can't figure out why I get all stressed-out about all this....(oops, can't say it here ><). I keep trying to tell myself, "Come on! It's just assignments! No big deal!"

Obviously, it's not working at all. Or else, I won't have a wall post from my cousin that was posted on my wall on Facebook. It said,

p.s. yes, it was all typed in BIG letters. O_O

And here I am, taking a day off. Actually it's not really a day off since I'm here blogging. But there's always a way to get all my frustrations out of me, that is listening to music.

I love music, any genre as long as I think it's nice. I have a playlist of songs in my computer that covers from country to heavy metal, instrumental or soundtrack, Hollywood artist singles to Anime theme songs. But one particular genre of music attracts my attention the most, which is rock music.

Soft rock, rap-rock, alternative rock, punk rock, hard rock, country rock, grunge, etc. Don't ask me to list them all out 'cause that would be impossible. And don't ask me which rock band I like 'cause I couldn't name them all. Actually, I just remember the song and not the rock band names. I pay more attention to the song than the rock band. And it's the song that attracts me, not the rock band. hehe.

For me, rock music is the best way to express any feelings. Anger, sadness, happy, excited, brokenhearted, and even LOVE. I love rock music because I love the beat of the drum. And when the guitar collaborates with the drum, it is PERFECT.

I love singing along to rock songs as rock songs are meant to sang aloud. haha. With the speakers(not earphones) tuned to an acceptable loudness, I just hit the track with my door room closed, and I do my paperwork peacefully.(yes, PEACEFULLY.)

Believe it or not, one night, I tried listening to rock music because I couldn't sleep. Guess what? I slept halfway through "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park. I thought it was a coincidence, that I was finally too tired at that time and fell asleep. Then I tried it for a few times whenever my close friend, insomnia, comes to accompany me. It worked! It actually works! I fall asleep listening to rock music when I have problem sleeping! Listening to rock music makes me calm down my feelings at sometimes. That's the magic! I don't know why either. haha.

The very first rock band that I know was Linkin Park. Since my brother is a die-hard fan of theirs, I love most of their songs, which makes me a fan of theirs too. hehe. It's just amazing how rock songs can be. ♥

Music is a way for people to express what they feel or translate their message in their mind into music keynotes. Mucis makes people happy, makes people sad, makes people feel anxious, makes people feel scared. But now, the most important thing is, music links people together. As people say, No Music No Life :)

"Numb" by Linkin Park
(video from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfrIipujxfQ)



dance with me ;
- 9:51 PM

!Saturday, May 1, 2010

A view of lakeside campus from the food court.

Ah, the smell of cow dung. Every morning walking from the multipurpose hall to the classroom, the smell of cow dung just fills my nostrils. Disgusting. What a way to start the morning.

Sweating because of climbing the 2 storey flight of stairs. Sometimes just one, sometimes I just use the lift. Class is on the seventh floor, I'm reluctant to climb five floors early in the morning, though waiting for the lift to arrive takes minutes. The lift really takes a long time to reach. And for someone that hates waiting for the lift, it's a now or never situation. hehe.

The classrooms are fine, the air conditioner is sometimes really cold in the morning, but why can't they paint the remaining wall of cement?? I just don't get it. It looks so unfinished. Maybe they ran out of paint! haha. Or they just don't intend to paint them. ==

After a week of experiencing the lakeside campus, I find it easier to find our classroom. As in TCPJ, the hallways are narrower, there are lots of corners, and there was once I found the wrong classroom. Lakeside campus hallways are much more wider(of course) and there are not many corners! Which makes finding classrooms a lot more easier. You can look down the hallway without walking towards the end.

Food......ah, yes, food. Many friends have started to complain about the price of food at lakeside campus. But some are just cool with it. As for me, I think it is slightly off my budget. I'd rather take my own sandwich to eat during break time and starve myself for a little while until I get home and enjoy my lunch. Though some of the food sold at the food court are quite tempting, I must resist the urge to pull out green or orange notes out of my purse. The food.....they are calling for me. But I have to ignore them. I have no choice but to turn my head around and continue walking. Or else, I would be broke by the middle of the month. @@

I'm aware that there are many restaurants or variety of food sold at lakeside campus. But what I miss the most is the 7-11 shop at TCPJ. Can I request for a 7-11 at lakeside campus...??? While still going for classes at TCPJ, I loved going to the 7-11, just walk a couple of rounds, circle the food on the rack, scanning the price labels of biscuits.....and then start to do math in my head. Thinking about how much money I still have and what I want to buy. And to mention it again, I always buy MILO drink at 7-11, though I know it's more expensive than anywhere. 7-11 is like a tinie-winie supermarket where they sell many different things. Food, especially. I love FOOD. ♥

I know it's hard to have other franchise of fast food restaurants to come to lakeside campus. But it'll be BIG! Absolutely profitable! But it won't be special anyway, we can already eat fast foods outside campus.

Again and again, I love the library the most. Air conditioner, comfortable seats, funky designs of tables and chairs, colourful furniture, and fast working computers. haha. Unfortunately, I don't quite fancy the print outs for our notes in lakeside campus. The reason is, the print out does not have our student ID at the bottom right corner as the ones in TCPJ have. In lakeside, it just states the date of printing, which I think the font for the date is a too big. Not nice at all. I miss the print outs from TCPJ~~~

Taylor's Lakeside Campus is big....yes....but to me, it is just a place to hang out with friends and also study afterall. Maybe I haven't found the thrill about the campus, the fun part. Hmmm......



dance with me ;
- 5:57 AM

!Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sitting in front of the computer in the computer lab on the not-sure-second-or-third floor of the lakeside campus library, the first thing that comes to mind is, wow, the computer here loads so much faster than the ones at PJ campus. haha.

It only took me less than five minutes to log in, select a couple of notes that I want to print, then log out. And it only happens here at lakeside campus! At the old TCPJ, i always feel like it would take forever to log in and select notes that I want to print. And usually it won't be less than ten minutes!

Got a little over-excited today while using the computer in the library with Jia Theng, Patricia and Renvin that were also busy clicking and typing away. And as most of us do, we log in to Facebook if we have the time. *grin* And so I chatted with Patricia on Facebook chatbox though she was just sitting opposite me, spammed some of my friends' wall, disturbed some of my friends that were online with the chatbox, and of course posted a shout out on my own wall. *evil laugh*

Being able to really experience the college life in a campus where it is just only the campus without offices and others, it's really kind of different. I really get to feel the crowd at college and get a glimpse of different people from different course or country. Though the lakeside campus is really big and more spacious, I think it is far from one place to another. For example, from the library to the food court. By the time I reach the food court, I'm already sweating. To look at the good side, we get to exercise! haha! Since Monday morning which was the first day at lakeside campus, I was finding our class and found block E faster than I thought. Quite a number of people were waiting for the lift and it looks like the lift will take a long time to reach, so I decided to take the stairs. Ah, good choice, I thought. then I realised it was just two storeys above! So now every morning I am going to take the stairs. ^^ Climbing stairs equals to exercise. Exercise equals to burning fat. Burning fat equals to possibility of losing weight and toning up muscles. Yes. I am so keen to climb stairs to the fourth floor now.

Just today, I saw high school students coming to lakeside campus for a tour, I guess. They were walking everywhere, looking here and there. Obviously, I can see excitement on some of their faces. Recalling back when I was in my Form 5 and went to colleges for a half day tour, though it was fun seeing new things, I felt awkward when people stare at us. Back then, my friend even heard one of the college student called us "little boys" and "little girls" when we walked by. So embarrassing!

But anyway, who hasn't once been a high school student. Many of us have been to college tours with our classmates wearing high school uniforms. And now, I know I'm evil, I can stare back at them. hahahahaha. Which is some thing that I will not do! Because I know how it feels when other people do that to me. If you don't want other people to do the same thing to you, then don't do it to other people. Because I believe that what goes around comes around.

Tomorrow will be the third day at lakeside. And I can't wait to try the spaghetti carbonara cooked by the School of Hospitality and Tourism students at the food court some day. It just looks delicious! It drew my attention and made me hungry!!!!! And yes, I LOVE spaghetti and I LOVE carbonara. Yummmm........~



dance with me ;
- 6:19 PM

!Friday, April 23, 2010

Sitting on the sofa in the living room. The fan was on. The television, showing "American Idol", was muted. I was alone, downstairs. Upstairs, everyone were fast asleep, probably already half way through their dreams. In my hand, was a red covered book. A novel. A thriller. It was about a man getting a heart transplant, and a year later, the donor came back for the heart.

It was quiet in the middle of the night. Way past midnight to be precise. It was already fifteen minutes past two in the morning. I was just waiting for this week's results for "American Idol". It was "Idol Gives Back". Many celebrities including Black Eyed Peas, Elton John, Carrie Underwood and a few more guests that were on the show but I'd paid no attention. The results show was dragged on for two and a half hours instead of the usual one hour. I just sat there reading the novel waiting for the results to be revealed by Ryan Seacrest.

Finally, the results show ended. Sad thing was Tim Urban had to go home. Sadder thing was they didn't even let him sing a song before he go home! Maybe they did, but it wasn't shown on television. To make it clear, no, I'm not a fan of Tim Urban. But to think from his point of view, if they really didn't let him sing a song before he goes, that's really kind of sad. He's going home anyway, just let him sing!

At last, I could close the book and head upstairs to my computer. Sitting alone in the living room reading a thriller really wasn't a good idea. Or maybe it's the author that should be praised for, making it not a good idea, reading his book middle of the night alone in the living room, for someone so chicken-hearted like me. Good job, well done.

The next morning was cozy enough for me to still snuggle under my blanket. I love my bed. I hate the alarm clock. I love my handphone, but it forced me to get up and read the message I just received. It was my buddy's birthday. We planned, actually she planned, to hang out and go bowling in the afternoon since I was not able to join dinner with her and my other friends later at night.

I went to her house, with an empty stomach, waiting for someone to fetch us to our destination. Once we reached, I was looking for FOOD. And this was what I had for brunch, Cone Pizza.

yummy~~~ (feeling hungry again @@)

I love food. I love cheese. I love pizza. And this brunch was delicious. The taste of tuna, the smell of garlic, the layer of cheese, the baked cone, and at the right time. I was starving. (haha!)

Afterthat we went bowling! For so many years, I've only played bowling once. Once that I couldn't even recall any memory of it. All I remembered was it happened when I was just a few years old. To think of that now, I think I could barely hold the bowling ball at that age.

yes i know....but what do you expect from a first-time player~??

Had a fun time bowling. It's good to see that a close friend smiling and laughing on their birthday. Even having to wake up when you're really reluctant to in the morning, it feels like it's all worth it when they are really having a HAPPY birthday.



dance with me ;
- 11:17 PM


I. Like. Chocolate. Milk. Alyson Ng Yee Peng
Left hander
Loves dance. Loves music. Loves food. Loves cookie&milk. Loves milo. Loves fun.

1,2 step

To get to know me is kind of hard. First thing, i'm not good at expressing myself. So you won't know what i'm thinking. I keep most of the things to myself. That is why people thinks i'm quiet. I have to admit i'm sometimes like a child. In fact i act like a child. I pity close friends of mine, because they are forced to bear with it.(Oops. My bad.) I love to eat. I feel happy when i eat. I think that food can somehow replace the emptiness in me. For example, it helps mend my heart when it's broken. I find happiness in eating. Good thing. Good thing. So, people, EAT!

dance floor

chocolate chips

chin wern
yee mun
michelle wong

taylor's portal

cookie crumbs

April 2010
May 2010


a new beginning
what you are doing for the holidays
Taylor's Lakeside campus
sports or music
your thoughts and preparation on the mid-semester exams

drum & bass


designer/layout: shawn
image: photobucket.
X-BLOGGERS productions.